Sony SmartWatch 2

OMG! what is happening to the technology. I still remember those days, when people used to have pagers for communications. Those days when Super Mario was launched. Imagine those days and compare it with today. Technology has taken a huge leap. A little while ago I wrote about the WearIT Sports Watchand now comes the Sony SmartWatch 2 with NFC connectivity. Sony has mentioned the SmartWatch 2 as a second screen for your Android Smartphone and as well as it will enhance existing phone functionality. Below are some of the tasks you can do with the Sony SmartWatch 2 without even reaching for your phone.
  • Handle your calls by a simple touch of your wrist
  • Take a photo remotely from your SmartWatch, using a smart camera app
  • Control your presentations remotely using Presentation Pal
  • Taking a run or on the bike? Select a mapping app on SmartWatch to check your route with a quick glance at your wrist
  • Read previously downloaded e-mails when not connected to your phone
  • Use lifestyle apps like Runtastic to map and instantly track your fitness activities on the go
Sony SmartWatch 2

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